Senior Pastor J.S. Barleston, Jr. and Lady Barbara


Women of God

Associate Ministers
Ministers Robert Steiger, Shanda Holliman and Roy Holliman work in a trusted relationship with the church to help implement the vision and mission of the church as set forth by the Senior Pastor and board of trustees.

Not pictured: Minister Pate and Minister Yates




Eden Barleston utilizes his many talents to lead the congregation and choir during worship services.

Lady Barbara
Lady Barbara leads the Women of God ministry to the women of our church and our community as they grow in faith. The ministry connects women with the resources, support and encouragement needed to strengthen their relationship with God.

Media Ministry
The Media Ministry, Azizi Arrington-Slocum, Donald Bolden and Britany Harrison, glorifies God through the use of technology by providing technical support for worship services including live streaming. 

Rita Anderson

Rita uses her skills in financial matters to manage the church finances, keep accurate records and reports, oversee accounts and ensure payments of operating expenditures.

Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary Choir encourages, uplifts and inspires the congregation with songs that function as prayers or exhortation in worship.

Board of Trustees

The trustees shows evidence of their leadership, in the areas of stewardship of assets, property maintenance and legal requirements.

Praise and Worship Team
The praise and worship team builds the body of Christ and draws the congregation into joyfully worshiping God. 

Special thanks to AZ Photography

Tracy Hunt
Culinary Ministry

The Culinary Ministry creates well-balanced menus for the church family and guests. Tracy Hunt is responsible for and oversees the operation, use, and maintenance of the church kitchen and its equipment.

Dee Reed
Administrative Assistant

Dee serves the congregation by performing administrative functions of the church which includes maintaining church records and executing communication on behalf of the church and the Senior Pastor.

Deacon Board

Deacons serve as a model in ministry and a leader offering guidance and direction for many aspects of a church’s mission, purpose and priorities.